Tips for the Do-it Yourself’er

Web Design 101: If You Build It, They Might Come
by Peter Boyd, Esq.

Every once in awhile, I receive blank stares from lawyers after I tell them how much a good web site will cost. “There is no way we can pay $3,000 or even $5,000 for a web site,” they’ll say.

Even if they realize the costs are justified (because it can take over 50 hours of work to design a web site properly) they’ll argue they simply cannot afford the price. What some people fail to realize is that if the web site generates one new client in its first year, then it will have paid for itself. And in truth, a properly designed site will attract many more clients than that, while also creating a professional image for their law firm.

Instead, attorneys often try a “compromise” technique – spending $999 for a template of ten pages that they can put online themselves. But lacking design and internet marketing background, they unknowingly create sites that are unprofessional and unhelpful – thereby losing potential clients.

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ILW.COM – immigration news: Web Design 101: If You Build It, They Might Come