www.benjamminkids.com signs with ob� Web Tech for site and ecommmerce re-design. benjamminkids is a maker and retailer of fine, hand-crafted, tye-dyed baby clothing. The benjamminkids company is in the midst of explosive growth and is looking to streamline their online sales and marketing efforts.
Author Archives: Joshua Strebel
Implemented the Chameleon Effect
This Website now Changes colors. When a user first arrives at the site, the code chooses 1 of 4 possible color schemes to display the site in for the duration of the users visit/set time limit. Upon the users next visit(assuming it has been more than half a day or so) a new random color choice will be selected.
ob� Web Tech Launch’s �-Mail
We are proud to bring you the most advanced and effective Email Marketing Services. Embed Dynamic Rich Media(FLASH) into marketing emails. Increase your Marketing ROI and make meaninful contact with millions of potential customers. 100% CAN-SPAM Compliant. View Samples and Learn More about this exciting process.
How To Give The Last-Minute Gift of Blog
How To Give The Last-Minute Gift of Blog
By Biz Stone
Okay, it’s officially the last minute and you forgot to get your sister’s roommate a gift. You’re going to their holiday party tonight and you can’t show up empty handed. What do you do? Fear not gentle bloggers, you’ll have a great gift. The gift of blog.
What friend, family member, or colleague wouldn’t want a beautiful new Blogger blog. Don’t they know that Blogger is “The fast, easy, and free way to publish and share your information online?” Well it is. And it’s damn sexy too. The following are instructions for how to set up a brand new, free, Blogger blog for someone as a gift and how to make it seem like you actually gave it some real thought. The giving-it-some-thought part is key to any successful last-minute gifting strategy.
Step 1 — Create A New Blog
First, go to Blogger.com and click the Start Now button. If you’re already a Blogger.com member, just sign in and click the “create a new blog” link. The idea here is to set up a new blog in your own name first. Go through the four steps of setting up a new blog. Keep in mind that the title, description and other settings will eventually be changed by the giftee.
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Going Upstream to Fight Spam
Filters and the Can-Spam Act may hold some unwanted e-mail at bay, but neither approach will bring the pandemic under control, according to a leading spam expert.
Eric Raymond, president of the Open Source Initiative, said a technology that recognizes legitimate senders may prove more efficient at curtailing spam than existing filters, which only work on messages that have been downloaded to servers and PCs.
Raymond, an open-source and antispam activist, spoke last week at the Spam Conference at MIT, a gathering of 500 developers, lawyers and researchers from major universities and technology giants like IBM and Microsoft.
Many of the conference participants agreed that the recently enacted federal Can-Spam Act of 2003, which supercedes more than 30 state laws, has done nothing to reduce the amount of spam on the Internet. Spammers are already flouting the new law, which took effect Jan. 1, 2004, said lawyers speaking at the conference. New and improved antispam technologies, the lawyers said, will be necessary to help counter the proliferation of spam.
Raymond is promoting an antispam technology called SPF (sender permitted from), an open-standard SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) extension that stops spam before ISPs have to download messages by rejecting those e-mails coming from forged addresses. Under SPF, e-mail users enter their valid domains and IP addresses into the SPF registry. More than 4,000 domains have published their SPF records, including AOL, said Raymond. The registry will also be supported by an upcoming version of SpamAssasin and other antispam applications.
SPF is one of the methods that developers presented at the conference for creating so-called “whitelists,” lists of approved e-mail senders that enable e-mail recipients to welcome messages from those who are on the list while flagging or rejecting others.
Whitelists like SPF will complement other technologies, such as domain blacklists that block out specific senders, by forcing spammers to use their own domains, said Raymond.
“We need more approaches like SPF that attack the problem further upstream, by forcing spammers into the open,” he said.
The new technologies should also lighten the workload carried by Bayesian spam filters, which scan the contents of messages for tip-offs that they are spam — deliberately misspelled words such as “V1AGRA,” for example, or randomly generated sender names such as “Sondra Gaines” or “Herndon Georgia.”
Bayesian filters are a popular method for keeping spam out of inboxes. They are included in some e-mail applications (such as Apple’s Mail and Mozilla Mail), but more often appear as an add-on tool that users can download from the Internet.
Bayesian filters have become victims of their own success, however.
Spammers are pumping out more e-mail than ever in an attempt to squeak past the Bayesian filters. They are breaking apart words, pasting encyclopedia entries into their messages and using other techniques to pass their content off as legitimate.
And while the increased traffic is making spamming more expensive for the spammers, the cost of downloading unwanted e-mail is hurting Internet service providers like AOL and MSN, too.
Story continued on Page 2
PhoenixSleep signs w/ ob�
Arizona based PhoenixSleep picks ob� Web Technologies Inc. to develop and implement phase 1 of thier internet site. PhoenixSleep is one of the nations top specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders.
Site Updated
The site has been updated with new content and a slightly refined layout.
Tips for the Do-it Yourself’er
Web Design 101: If You Build It, They Might Come
by Peter Boyd, Esq.
Every once in awhile, I receive blank stares from lawyers after I tell them how much a good web site will cost. “There is no way we can pay $3,000 or even $5,000 for a web site,” they’ll say.
Even if they realize the costs are justified (because it can take over 50 hours of work to design a web site properly) they’ll argue they simply cannot afford the price. What some people fail to realize is that if the web site generates one new client in its first year, then it will have paid for itself. And in truth, a properly designed site will attract many more clients than that, while also creating a professional image for their law firm.
Instead, attorneys often try a “compromise” technique – spending $999 for a template of ten pages that they can put online themselves. But lacking design and internet marketing background, they unknowingly create sites that are unprofessional and unhelpful – thereby losing potential clients.
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ILW.COM – immigration news: Web Design 101: If You Build It, They Might Come
Google Tactics
Delivering the goods
There’s no doubting Google’s power and popularity. Yet few of us use the search engine effectively. Jack Schofield offers some tips
Thursday January 8, 2004
The Guardian
Google is now the world’s most powerful website, and if it goes public this year, its young founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, will become extremely rich. Their five-year-old company has already cracked its biggest problem, which is how to make pots of money from selling advertising space without carrying any banner ads. And while there are other places to search the web, most websites are now dependent on Google for a large proportion of their new visitors. The question that drives all but a few commercial webmasters today is: “How do I change my site to make it appear on the first page when someone searches Google?”
What is even more impressive is that Google has achieved its supremacy by word of mouth: by delivering what users want. That has helped it retain users’ confidence while doing things that might have raised concerns about invasion of privacy elsewhere. For example, Google almost certainly knows more about you than you would tell your mother. Did you ever search for information about Aids, cancer, mental illnesses or bomb-making equipment? Google knows, because it has put a unique reference number in a permanent cookie on your hard drive (which doesn’t expire until 2038). It also knows your internet (IP) address.
MAC turns 20
To mark Apple Macintosh’s 20th, Apple has re-released the first ad for the macintosh, circa 1984.