I attended SXSW for the first time last year and was blown away by the level and quantity of talent present. This year I hope to contribute to the conference by earning one of the coveted 1 hour time slots to present my panel: “Bankrupt Your Startup in Five Easy Steps”
This panel will use humor and wit to show HOW TO bankrupt a fledging company. Panelists will share their insight and knowledge of moving from the garage to the corner office by successfully navigating through the challenges of cash-flow, staffing, and biz marketing. Emphasis will be placed on missteps that could have (or did) sink the company.
Learn from the experience of those that made it on how to successfully launch a startup off the ground. Learn to avoid common pitfalls that start-ups face that may bankrupt/kill your start-up. Master (Know what not to do) the art of bankrupting a company, any company in 5 easy steps.
My good friend Sean Tierney from jumpbox.com and web maverick Ryan Carson have both agreed to participate. I have in mind a couple other presenters to fill the 2 1 remaining slots when the time comes.
UPDATE: When the idea is Hot, the right people come to it. Noah Kagan of okdork.com has just come on board as the 4th panelist.
The panel submission process consists of a democratic voting phase in which all 600+ panels ideas are presented to the public for a ‘vote’ as to which ones should make it into the schedule. Please help us out and register at http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/ (only takes 1 minute) and then please vote on our panel idea here http://panelpicker.sxsw.com/ideas/view/492
While you are there, please have a look and support these other panel ideas submitted by other local Arizona web professionals.
James Archer – Scope Creep and Other Villains
Aaron Post – A Day at the Web Factory
Aaron Post – Clients are From Mars & Designers are From Venus
Brian Shaler – Converging Web & Client Applications: The Growing-Pain-Killer
Brian Shaler – Internet Celebrity: An Entrepreneur’s Ace in the Hole
Kimbro Staken – A Developer’s Cookbook to Leveraging Virtualization
David Koontz – A Better Gun to Shoot Your Eye Out With
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