Author Archives: Joshua Strebel

Particletree · Dynamic Resolution Dependent Layouts

Particletree · Dynamic Resolution Dependent Layouts


In my previous feature on CSS layouts, I talked a bit about the different CSS layout approaches available to a designer when building a web site. In this feature, I’d like to focus on a dynamic resolution dependent layout implementation that I think provides a strong alternative for those trying to find a balance between fluid and fixed layouts. With dynamic layouts, the possibilities really are quite endless. You can change 3-column layouts to 2-column layouts, provide appropriate font-sizes to increase legibility, and even reward higher resolution viewers with extra content and larger images. And no, you don’t have to put php in the CSS or lose the caching benefits of using external stylesheets to make it work.

2006 Web Predictions – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

2006 Web Predictions – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)
2006 Predictions:

Andy Budd’s Web Design and Development Trends for 2006 (“Designs will soften, with more rounded corners, pastel colours and hinted boxes.� and “2006 is going to see Ruby on Rails development take off in a big way.�).

And Bold predictions for the savvy designer, 2006 edition ~ Authentic Boredom (on “that Fisher Price look�: “Big buttons, big text, big everything. Yes, it definitely has its place at times. But I wonder if we belittle users with visuals that implicitly say, ‘Hey, you’re too foolish to choose what to do next, so I’ve put a really big button right here just for you.’�).

Refresh Phoenix 2.0 – Refreshingly Relevant

What it was, was the second meeting of Refresh Phoenix. It is hard to define, but essentially a group of like minded internet professionals that wish to make Phoenix a hub of web based design, application programming, and general internet glory.

I would sum the meeting up with two words. Relevancy and Ruby. Relevancy – because I believe this is what the core purpose of the group is, whether or not it has been defined. Everyone in that room wanted to be relevant. Relevant to the NOW, relevant to what is happening on the w3; web 2.0, ruby, ajax, standards CSS, you name it. It almost takes on a ‘dont be left behind’ feel to it. The web is changing so fast, in such a dramatic way that if one sits on thier hands for more than a week, you are ‘out of the loop’.

The second word, Ruby is for Ruby on Rails, This hybrid programming framework is getting a fair amount of buzz, and this seemed to dominate a fair amount of the conversations; what is it?, how does it work?, can you show me this…?, When can get to together…?

All in all I believe it is a spectactular idea to bring together so many diverse people, specialing in all aspects of w3, I look forward to this loose organization growing, and becoming a guiding force in Phoenix’s long term web direction.


Professional Web Design company launches Prosthetics and Othotics Website

obu Web Technologies, inc. is proud to annouce the launch of, a new website for the leading Arizona Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Physical Therapy provider; Pongratz Orthotics & Prosthetics, Inc.

It has been our pleasure to work with the fine staff at Pongratz to develop this business focused website.

About Pongratz Orthotics & Prosthetics, Inc.
With full purpose facilities in Phoenix, Mesa, and Tucson, Pongratz Orthotics & Prosthetics, Inc. provides complete orthotic and prosthetic care, including pedorthic, soft goods, mastectomy, cranial banding, and specialized burn care services.

About obu Web Technologies, inc:
Founded in 2003, obu Web Technologies has quickly become the leading professional website design company in Arizona. Many clients have turned to obu Web for progressive web design, search engine optimization, and internet marketing services. obu Web Technologies’ business friendly approach as help many growing businesses achieve a positive return on investment for their web design dollars. Located in the heart of the Arizona Tech community. 13951 N Scottsdale Rd. Suite 132, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85254

A note on Website usability.

I visited a website they other day, that will remain nameless. My task was to find a particular page where I could submit some information for a service request. Now knowing that we deal with websites everyday, and that we have been around the website block many many times, we think that we would be able to navigate even any navigation structure put in front of us.

But to my utter surprise and frustration, I could not locate this page. Anywhere. There were hundreds of pages on this site, but my little old page was buried. Never to be found.

In frustration I called the company and had to actually have the customer service rep walk me, click by click, to the page I was seeking. It turned out the page was only accessible by click on a general topic link from the home page, and then scrolling down through a list of over 300 links, in alphabetical order, to another category link, and then finally the eighth link down in the right column was my target.

The moral of the story is thus. Make sure your website is usable by the users. Seems simple enough. Yet many companies, and government agencies make the fundamental mistake of creating a website with no logical way to find information.

How many customers could your website be turning away in frustration?
How quickly can a user find the information they are looking for on your website?

These are fundamental aspects of a website that if not handled properly, lead to a bad user experience.

About obu Web Technologies, inc:
Founded in 2003, obu Web Technologies has quickly become the leading professional website design company in Arizona. Many clients have turned to obu Web for progressive web design, search engine optimization, and internet marketing services. obu Web Technologies’ business friendly approach as help many growing businesses achieve a positive return on investment for their web design dollars. Located in the heart of the Arizona Tech community. 13951 N Scottsdale Rd. Suite 132, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85254


So Toronto was fun, and I did get a chance to see a Leafs game thanks to my good friend Kevin. All I can say about Toronto Hockey Fans, is EVERYONE has something to say. I had a great time. Toronto is a very nice city: big and cold. I look forward to the opportunity of going back.

Toronto or BUST

Well I have the priveledge of going to Toronto this week for 4 days. One of our clients that we have provided Search Engine Optimization consulting for has defined a need for training of their internal development staff.

For 2 days while we are there, we will be presenting SEO best practices and specific recommendations to the website development staff. Our client understands how valuable search rankings are to thier business.

Perhaps I will be able to catch a Maple Leafs game while I am there.