Category Archives: Web of Interest

2006 Web Predictions – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)

2006 Web Predictions – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)
2006 Predictions:

Andy Budd’s Web Design and Development Trends for 2006 (“Designs will soften, with more rounded corners, pastel colours and hinted boxes.� and “2006 is going to see Ruby on Rails development take off in a big way.�).

And Bold predictions for the savvy designer, 2006 edition ~ Authentic Boredom (on “that Fisher Price look�: “Big buttons, big text, big everything. Yes, it definitely has its place at times. But I wonder if we belittle users with visuals that implicitly say, ‘Hey, you’re too foolish to choose what to do next, so I’ve put a really big button right here just for you.’�).

Refresh Phoenix 2.0 – Refreshingly Relevant

What it was, was the second meeting of Refresh Phoenix. It is hard to define, but essentially a group of like minded internet professionals that wish to make Phoenix a hub of web based design, application programming, and general internet glory.

I would sum the meeting up with two words. Relevancy and Ruby. Relevancy – because I believe this is what the core purpose of the group is, whether or not it has been defined. Everyone in that room wanted to be relevant. Relevant to the NOW, relevant to what is happening on the w3; web 2.0, ruby, ajax, standards CSS, you name it. It almost takes on a ‘dont be left behind’ feel to it. The web is changing so fast, in such a dramatic way that if one sits on thier hands for more than a week, you are ‘out of the loop’.

The second word, Ruby is for Ruby on Rails, This hybrid programming framework is getting a fair amount of buzz, and this seemed to dominate a fair amount of the conversations; what is it?, how does it work?, can you show me this…?, When can get to together…?

All in all I believe it is a spectactular idea to bring together so many diverse people, specialing in all aspects of w3, I look forward to this loose organization growing, and becoming a guiding force in Phoenix’s long term web direction.


Monetize your Podcast – Fruitcast

Our good friends at FortyMedia have developed a way to generate revenue from your podcasts. Enter

obu Web Technologies played a small role in concept, we had a brief lunch with James where we posed the question “How can we monetize podcasts?” 45 minutes and a Tex-Mex entree later, fruitcast was conceived. James gets full credit for development as he slaved away to bring you the revolution in podcasting.

Here’s ‘props’ to James and Forty Media.