Author Archives: Joshua Strebel

12 is better than 1

We have just wrapped up an exciting project for the nice folks at Skyway Church of the West Valley.

The project was rather interesting as the client requested 12 websites. 1 main website, and 11 satellite websites for the church ministries. We were able to accomplish this by utilizing a content management system that allowed for us to simply “skin” the additional websites and turn most of the content control over to the client.

If your organization would like something similar, give us a call at 480.248.3874 to find out how our web design services can benefit your business.


SEO = Trust

We follow Todd’s blog pretty closely as he is a proven expert in SEO. His comments below really frame the discussion regarding SEO.

» 12 Easy Quality Indicators to Combine to Prove Trust – Stuntdubl – SEO Consultant

Pay attention to what is credible to both users AND someone with a search relevance quality mindset. Everyone says optimize for users – try optimizing your site for to convince a savvy threadwatch readin’, affiliate site buildin’ fickle user that you are credible, and it will probably help your SEO efforts these days.

These are the easy ways – you have to work them together and THINK about what would indicate quality on a mass level. Seriously folks, quality indicators = trust. It’s not about keyword stuffing and link bombing anymore…SEO is about proving you’re trustworthy – it makes it even easier when you actually ARE – but even if you ARE – you have to know how to SHOW that you are. Let the damn dog sniff your hand!

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Analytics and You

My staff and I spend entirely too much time looking at site analytics. It is not a odd form of self punishment, it is actually a crystal ball into the minds of our audience and a report card of our marketing efforts. Take for example our top 5 sources of referral (links from other websites) traffic for August.


The list tells me a few things: as expected most our our traffic originates from the search engines (google, yahoo, msn) due to our extensive search engine optimization, but interestingly and are web design galleries in which we are listed. Neither of these two sites are likely to provide any customer leads as the traffic is mostly other artists, yet there are intangible benefits here as you can imagine in having hundreds of your industry peers seeing your work.

To the list of referrals tells me where my marketing is working. #16 on that list is a local organization called Arizona Chain Reaction which is a “shop local” listing of companies. This is traffic I would like to increase as it is most likely potential prospects.
Another interesting metric that detailed site analytics provide, tells you which keyword phrases people use to find your website on the internet. The list of our top 5 keyword phrases below tells me which search terms drive the most traffic.

  • professional web design
  • web design
  • professional web design company
  • web site design
  • obuweb

This is very useful to determine which terms we should give additional focus on to increase traffic. This list also breaks down further to tell me which search engine in sending the traffic for each term. 45% of search traffic for “web design” came from Yahoo where we had top 10 rankings for a few months.

These are just some raw numbers and examples of traffic analytics. A decent analytics program will monitor over 50 or areas of your website, from raw traffic, to duration of visit, and everywhere in between. It is recommended to have analytics in place, and to monitor them often to gauge how effective your marketing and website are working.


We are proud to announce the launch of

QuietMove is a trusted provider of risk assessment and security solutions designed to protect our customer’s information assets and business processes with end to end, multi-layered security solutions that align security resources with business risk. We secure the nexus between people, technology, and data to protect our clients from known and emerging threats.

Obu Web Technologies is a kick ass web design company.

I wanna go fast

Ever driven your car really, really fast? Hopefully you did it legally.
Our board of directors have decided to sponsor a race/driving team. Announcing OBU Racing or ü-racing.

Our mission is twofold: Promote responsible performance driving by encouraging and promoting “on track” events rather than illegal street racing, and build brand awareness for Obu Web Technologies, a leading web design, web development, and search engine optimization company.

If you or anyone you know would like to be considered for sponsorship by our team, please contact us today.

Paid + Organic = ROI

I recently found a great article discussing the delicate balance between Paid Search, and Organic Search Engine Optimization. iMedia Connection: The Subsidy Cost of Paid Search

The Author asks an interesting question:

From a search marketing perspective the question that really begs to be answered is: Should you be paying for search traffic and ultimately conversions if you appear organically in a top position where the sale would occur without you having to pay for it?

The interesting point here is whether the cost of PPC is necessary when one already has top organic rankings for competitive terms.

We prescribe a balanced approach to our customers, one which ogranic SEO and Paid Search are used together on an overall marketing strategy. Mr Lieb seems to agree.

In conclusion, organic and paid search are two vital components of a very dynamic advertising medium. However, they are often managed independently of each other. They should not be managed in silos but rather as an integrated whole to understand the interplay.

Launched: Skyline Steel

We are proud to announce the launch of

Skyline Steel is one of the Southwest’s leading steel fabricators, focusing on carports, structural steel fabrication, industrial steel fabrication, etc.

Skyline was a great project to work on. Old school steel, with new school tech.

How’s this for a testimonial:


Tad, you really did it! It looks great and the WebAdmin is so easy to

We’re already showing it off to General Contractor’s!

Thanks so much…
We’ll be in touch! -Peggy Skyline Steel

What is Google Thinking?

I Just read a very well written and insightful SEO article regarding Google. Specifically regarding Google and it’s recent algorithm and Infrastructure upgrades. Jim Hedger has gone into depth explaining his view of what impact the recent Google updates have on the Search Engine Optimization industry and the clients that utilize their services.

“In September 2005, Google began implementation of a three-part algorithm update that became known as the Jagger Update. Shortly after completing the algo update in late November, Google began an upgrading of their server and data storage network that was dubbed the Bigdaddy Infrastructure Upgrade.�

“After the implementation of the algo update and infrastructure upgrades, SEOs have seen changes in the following areas: Site/Document Quality Scoring, Duplicate Content Filtering and Link Intention Analysis.�

The bulk of the article focuses on what Google is now looking for in terms of establishing relevancy and trust of a document (this is how rankings are determined).

“There are two basic rules in regards to content. It should be there to inform and assist the site user’s experience and it should be, (in as much as possible), original.â€?

“In order to ferret out the intent of webmasters, Google has increased the importance of links, both inbound and outbound. Before the updates, an overused tactic for strong placement at Google saw webmasters trying to bulk up on incoming links from where ever they could. This practice saw the rise of link farms, link exchanges and poorly planned reciprocal link networks.�

These are the thing we as a Search Engine Optimization company face. We strive to understand what this entity called Google is looking for and then deliver to the benefit of our clients rankings. Staying abreast of the latest SEO strategies is how we as a company earn our income. In essence you are paying for a small service (the optimization of your website) that takes volumes of specialized knowledge to perform. Like a doctor wishing to keep thier skills sharp, we are always learning more to stay up to date in our skill set.